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Terms & Conditions

Safety briefings are required for all new visitors to the park. On your arrival, please contact Dinah on 021 041 2913 and she will meet you at the parking area to go through this with you.

Bookings are not confirmed until payment has been received..

Baldwin Station is a working farm. Hazards associated with working farms will be present. These include, but are not limited to:

•    Rough and uneven ground - take care when riding through long grass, where visibility is restricted. Keep to the marked trails.

•    Electric and barbed wire fences. Fences to be jumped ONLY at spars. Carry wire cutters if jumping spars. Report any damage to fences or spars to KRP staff.

•    Stock - sheep and cattle. Stay clear of all stock at all times. Leave gates as you find them. Leave your dogs at home.

•    Vehicle movements.


Riders must wear approved safety helmets, and appropriate riding footwear. Dress appropriately for the conditions. Be prepared for temperature extremes. Carry drinking water.

Do not cross or ride along Knobbie Range Road, or jump boundary fences.

Baldwin is in a high risk fire area for much of the year.



The Emergency Incident Action plan outlines the procedures required in the event of any incidents or injuries. This can be read here, and is also displayed at the Parking area. Please ensure that you are familiar with this. Contact phone numbers and location details can be found on the Emergency Card, which is available at the parking area or can be downloaded here. Please take one of these cards with you on your ride.


Covid Safety

Bookings and payments must be made online.

Visitors must maintain social distancing at all times.

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